Maxim Wakultschik

Lives and works
in Düsseldorf


Wakultschik’s artistic practice is characterised by an extraordinary curiosity and willingness to experiment with a wide variety of techniques and materials. His works fascinate through an unexpectedly complex effect, which, although created on the basis of the simplest media and forms, unfolds in the interplay of light, depth and distance.


And yet beneath that gold I began to see, 2023, 20 × 26 × 9 cm
Dark Dream, 2021, 78 × 64 × 12 cm
Ano, 2022, 35 × 26 × 9 cm
Nephele, 2022, 27 × 21 × 7 cm
I’m ready to sense a storm, 2023, 20 × 20 × 9 cm